Safety tips that I would advise you to abide by when travelling as a solo lady.

The safety tips that I would advise you to abide by when travelling as a solo lady.
I cannot express how much I love travelling the world, moving from place to place, meeting incredible people from all walks of life and making new friends. But I also have to stress the importance of using a little bit of intelligence, caution and listening to your gut instinct when travelling. Here is a list of my own rules by which I will always abide. I am sharing them with you to do what you wish to choose:


Don’t refrain from using your BRAIN–

I think it is madness to walk around late at night in lonely solitary places. Most women would not do it in their own country, so why is caution thrown to the wind when they go travelling? I always try to stay in busy, crowded areas, where there is safety in numbers. Stay alert, use your common sense, and be aware of your surroundings. If you think that someone is following you, step into a store or another safe place and wait to see whether the person passes. Never be embarrassed to ask someone to make sure everything is safe or to seek assistance before venturing out again.

Hostels or Hotels –

During my years of travel, overall, I have been very lucky with my accommodations. However, I remember, on one occasion, when I checked into a hotel on the outskirts of Miami. I did not get a good feeling. The place seemed slightly sleazy, and the receptionist looked even worse. But I still went ahead and checked in. As I was walking down the corridor, these big muscly built men were standing in their bedroom doorways (Rather like something out of the Bronx, when it was a no-go zone) and eyeing me very suspiciously! The further I walked towards my room, the more uncomfortable I felt. So much so, that suddenly I turned around and walked straight back to the receptionist. I told her in no uncertain terms that I would not be staying at the hotel. Strangely enough, she was OK with that and refunded my money. As I was leaving the doorman approached me and said. “Excuse me, Mam, this place is not for you” He pointed out a hotel further up the road, and told me that I would be very safe there. I tell you this story because, if you don’t have a good feeling about your accommodation, then get out as soon as you can.

Perfect or not so Perfect Strangers –

However charming, friendly or attractive a man may be, he is still a total stranger, and one should always be very cautious about where they go with him. I was astonished the other day when a charming girl told me she had met this man in a pub. And the following day at six o’clock in the morning she had been with him on his motorbike to visit some remote national park, her exact words were “He was very nice, and I knew I could trust him” How in heavens name could she know he was trustworthy? She had no idea whatsoever about this person. Fortunately, she returned safe and sound, but what if she hadn’t???? None of us would have even known, with who or where she was! We most probably would have assumed that she had left the hostel.

Your Valuables –

I am continually hearing about my fellow backpackers being the victims of thieves and discover that they are minus their passport, their phones, their credit cards and of course their cash! I don’t dispute that sometimes it is inevitable, but on the whole, taking a few precautions, unpleasant situations can often be avoided. As the saying goes “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” in other words do not put all your valuables together. I carry my passport in one bag, and each of my credit cards in different pockets or hidden compartments on my clothes, (I won’t go into further details on that matter) suffice to say, “Where do Grannies normally hide their bits?” I never walk around with large amounts of money. With so many A.T.M machines, it is unnecessary. I make a habit of just carrying sufficient to cover my expenses for one day, so consequently, if I do have the misfortune to be pickpocketed at least all is not lost

Health –

Keeping healthy while travelling is again in the majority of cases about using a little bit of common sense. First and foremost, I would advise any traveller. (I am talking about the fully-fledged form of seeing the world) Visiting far and distant lands or out of the way places where fundamental living conditions or standards of hygiene will probably not be on the same level.
Above all, before you contemplate donning a backpack, please have a full medical check-up. It is so important, and I know myself I always feel far more confident when I have had the all OK with my health M.O.T.

Health Insurance –

Make sure that you have adequate health insurance coverage for your trip abroad and that the coverage includes medical evacuations. If your policy does not cover you overseas, you may need to purchase supplemental traveller’s insurance.

Medications –

If you take prescription drugs, make sure you have enough to last the length of your trip and be sure to have them carefully labelled. Check out that the countries you intend to visit can supply the same medication in case of emergency. It is also a good idea to take along your prescription information and the names of the generic equivalents should you need them.

Malaria –

As a doctor from the tropical diseases hospital once said to me. The best and only full proof way to avoid this terrible illness is not to get bitten by mosquitoes! No matter how many tablets etc. you take, it will not prevent you from getting Malaria if the mosquito is infected and manages a nibble at you. It may lessen the symptoms, although not always. I know from personal experience because my eldest son visited Africa, took every precaution possible, and he still contracted Malaria. I witnessed my beloved son in the intensive care unit for several weeks in touch and go, as to whether he would pull through. Fortunately, he did, but since then, I have never again underestimated this dreadful disease. I invest in the best anti-mosquito repellent and sorry I don’t care that it contains DEET, as I have always found it’s the best thing to keep these little assassins away from me.

Water –

I never drink the tap water. I am cautious even about cleaning my teeth with the local tap water if, in doubt, I use bottled water to rinse out. bottled water, in general, is safe. Still, as I discovered when travelling to India, some of the street vendors sometimes filled the bottles with tap water and unbelievably even sealed the tops and sold it as pure water. I met several people who had been very ill due to this awful scam. So, I would advise anyone to only buy bottled water from reputable shops and stores.

Food –

With regards to food and what to eat. I try to go to busy places that are frequented by the locals and travellers alike as it can be a pretty sure sign that the food is excellent and fresh. As I am intent on staying on the safe side, I opt for vegetables. I am very selective about ice in my drinks. When I am not sure – I ABSTAIN. Of course, part and parcel of travelling is savouring the local fare and discovering the delicacies of each county. Whatever you do, don’t miss out on the gourmet adventure of a lifetime for fear of an upset stomach.

Clothing –

It’s always far better to dress conservatively, inconspicuously and comfortably when visiting Asian countries. Please try to remember that you are NOT a Barbie Doll so whenever possible try to take your fashion cues from the local ladies. No! That doesn’t mean that you should walk around in a Nun’s habit or a Burka, although for some countries it is required that you be covered entirely. It is essential to take note that for some cultures, what you consider attractive casual clothing, for the locals it is inappropriate or provocative, even to the point of being offensive. So please respect the customs of every country you visit. Keep in mind that your style of dress and the amount of makeup you wear could spark harassment, or the jewellery you display could make you a number one target for thieves.

For the Men –

Lately, I have met several gentlemen who have had all their goods stolen while travelling! On each occasion, the story is the same. He goes out in the evening for a night on the town. Where does he head for, but a bar! He meets a pretty girl, and naturally gets chatting, Wowee the evening looks promising! after one or two drinks, he leaves with the beautiful girl to go to a room or wherever! (No details here as that would be far too much information) And that is the last he remembers.!!! Several hours later he wakes up to find his money, credit cards, and passport have all disappeared and Surprise Surprise! The beautiful lady has gone! So, boys! as much as we women may be gorgeous! Please try to be careful, watch your drinks and importantly, who serves them.

Spiking does seem to be the order of the day! Preferably take as little cash out with you as possible. Always have a backup credit card stored in the locker of your hostel and make sure you have a photocopy of your passport and other necessary documents just in case they should get stolen. If on the unfortunate chance that you are the victim of a robbery, make sure you have a copy of all your contact numbers to cancel credit cards, mobile phones, etc. immediately. Just a small observation – When women go out at night and get their drinks spiked, they usually end up getting robbed and raped! When men go out at night and get their drinks spiked, they just get everything stolen. Sorry boys, you won’t be lucky enough to get raped!! And if you do, it won’t be by a woman!!! Also; it could end up being a very costly experience.